How to teach your dog come

Chris L. from Flagstaff AZ asked: My dog does not come when I call him. How do I make him come to me? Zauberberg Team explains: Come when called (recall) is the most essential behavior to train a dog to do! Of all behaviors we train, it must be the most reliable, and here is how. How useful is a recall from a down of sit, a “prepared recall”? Not… continue reading

Buying two puppies at the same time

Should I buy two puppies at the same time to have each others’ company? As it seems like a great idea, the answer to this question really depends on what you are planning on getting out of owning a dog- or two! If YOU are intending to have a great relationship with a dog and do awesome training, we recommend that you buy one puppy first. Once the puppy has… continue reading

When should I start training my puppy

Start training your puppy as young as possible! Here is why:A puppy at young age has a pronounced desire to be with you. That being said, he is a sponge for information. He just has been separated from his litter mates, and you are the only one he is now seeking company from. As he gets older he will develop other interests. This is truly the  best time to form… continue reading

How long training my dog

Petra J. from Dallas asked: How long does it take to train my dog? Zaubererg Team answered: It is a very common question, especially if you pay hard earned money for a trainer to do it for you! There is no doubt that there are different levels of training one wants to accomplish. Numerous of wise repetitions have to be executed in order to train a dog very well. Multiplied… continue reading

Dog is listening better to one person versus another

Here is why a dog is listening better to one person versus another! Joseph P. from Prescott asked: My dog listens to my wife perfectly! Why is he not listening to me at all? Don’t we all experience that the dog responds to different people differently? Of course! “Listening” or lets call it “responding” to a signal is based a history of reinforcement and therefore the relationship between individuals. Humans… continue reading

Potty Training my Puppy fast

Puppy Potty Training Potty training is easy if you follow certain rules. Just as us humans, dogs have a schedule to be followed. He should be given the opportunity to go potty: 1) When he wakes up 2) Shortly after eating 3) When he had been crated for some time and is getting restless 4) Before he is going to be crated for a while A major rule is: Do… continue reading

Best Training Treats for my Dog

Jennifer B. from Tucson asked: What are the best treats to use in my training? Zauberberg Team answered: You are on the right track to think about what the best treats might be, as you probably know that best rewards make best learning happening! When choosing a treat to be most effective during training, it is important to think without limitation. Just as people being crazy about potato salad- others… continue reading

German Shepherd Female or Male Puppy

Silke B. from Mesa asked: What is the difference between male versus female? Zauberberg Team answered: One is very obvious……just look. Here are other true facts: The male likes to mark his territory and goes to the bathroom in increments. The female mainly squats once or twice and is finished. The female usually comes in heat every six months and will be bleeding for two weeks average. The myth is… continue reading

My vet visit is a Catastrophe

Cairn Terrier vom Zauberberg

Michael R. from Scottsdale wrote: Taking my dog to the vet is not pleasant to say the least! He is a German Shepherd, 6 months old. Just getting him through the front door of the Vet’s Office is quiet the effort, I have to drag him in there. When the vet is physically examine him my dog is fighting the whole time and needs to be restrained by two people.… continue reading

Training a Puppy to come when called

Training a Puppy to come when called seems easy if we realize how associations in dog training really happen. Puppy training the recall. Making an association of calling the name and follow with the treat. Initially, the trainer makes sure the puppy will take the treat. If the puppy is NOT interested in the treat- it will be impossible to make an association between the name and a treat being… continue reading