Dog Trainer in Tucson Arizona

Andreas Mueller
Mr. Mueller is a Dog Trainer in Arizona that has titled more than 150 dogs before more than 50 different Judges world wide. He trained his first dog 35 years ago in Germany and had the first official title on his dog one year later.
During his law Enforcement “dog training years” he competed at the International Law Enforcement dog competition with top ranking results, as well as winning Regional competitions.
His record of actually being in front of performance judges getting tested successfully is hard to match.
A few highlights to be mentioned:
- Bibi vom Buckower Feld SchH3, IPO3, WPO, Certified dual purpose police K9
- Berlin Regional Police dog competition WPO Germany 1983 – 1st place
- Berlin Regional Police dog competition WPO Germany 1984 – 3rd place
- Berlin Regional Police dog competition WPO Germany 1989 – 1st place
- International Police dog competition WPO Germany 1985 – 9th place (287)
- International Police dog competition WPO Germany 1986 – 12th place (289)
Datscha vom Buckower Feld – SchH 3,
- Landesgruppenausscheidung Berlin Germany 1986 – 2nd place, qualified for Bundessiegerpruefung
Jenny von der Herdersfarm – SchH 3
- Landesgruppenausscheidung Berlin Germany 1989 – 2nd place,
- Bundessiegerpruefung 1989 – 57th place
Atoll vom Schmargendorfer Rathaus – SchH 3
- SW Regional Schutzhund Champion 1994 – 1st place
Bodo vom langen Busch – SchH3
- SW Regional Champion 1997 – 1st place, second highest scoring SchH 3 dog in the US
Douglas vom Haus Supke – SchH3
- Best Rottweiler at SW Regional Championship, USRC National Schutzhund 3 Championship – 2nd place
Deika vom Gut Loy – SchH 3
- SW Regional Schutzhund Championship 2003 – 2nd place
- SW Regional Schutzhund Championship 2004 – 2nd Place
Magic vom Elfenschloss – SchH3
- SW Regional Championship 2006 – 3rd place
Some Credentials worth Mentioning:
Member of the Verein fuer Deutsche Schaeferhunde (SV) since 1978
Member of the Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler Klub (ADRK) since 1990
Member of the United States Schutzhund Clubs (USSC) since 1991
Memmber of the United States Rottweiler Club (USRC) since 1990
SW Regional Director USRC 2001
President of the USRC from 2002-2008
USRC conformation and breed judge since 2006
Current President of Tucson Rottweiler Club
If you need to talk to a Dog Trainer in Tucson Arizona call me 520-419-2199!