Zauberberg K9 College

If your dosn’t learn it here- you won’t learn it anywhere!
Feel confident about your dog respopnding to your commands reliebly and most immediatley- where ever you take him!
See proof of what Zauberberg K9 school can do for you, visit Our YouTube Channel with more than 700 Dog Training Videos
Start here bys electing the best option for you- then choose a package offer:
Private Lessons You are the Trainer- we train you how your dog understands the world! |
Board and Train Programs Your dog is trained by us- including lessons with you |
Our Dog Trainers’ mission in dog training is to provide training for you and your dog that is scientically proven to make dogs understand the tasks and perform as reliable as a pet can do.
Training programs are devided into teaching phase and training phase.
First a dog should be introduced to a reward system and needs to develope a relationship with the owner/trainer.
Then a dog’s behavior can be modified. Through precise comunication, he/she can find out which behaviors are paid for- and which ones are not.
This will lead to certain behaviors being repeated more often- because they are worth while doing.
The behaviors that are NOT paid for will weaken- or not be performed at all anymore.
Through those pricipals a dog will learn obedience behaviors by operating in the environemt with the trainer being the reward machine.
Zauberberg K9 school offers different training programs to fullfill your dreams of having a well trained dog
How to find a Dog Trainer in Arizona?
One important part of setting up a successful training program for a specific breed of dog, is to know the breed characteristics.
Certain instinctive behaviors are very breed specific.
How were these breeds created?
All dogs come from the Wolf!
As Wolfs were more and more used by humans, the first selection process was to choose the ones that were easiest to live with. The shy temperament was eliminated right of the bet.
Then it was discovered that certain Wolfs had certain behaviors. One was more protective, the other was more interested in hunting, then there was one kind that liked to herd.
There were Wolfs of slightly different body types and different coat structures.
Humans started to breed the Wolfs to each other that had matching body types and temperaments they desired.
We now understand how our different breeds were created from the very same species, by selecting Wolfs with the desired structure and instincts (behavior tendencies), and mated them together.
We now understand why the Husky likes to pull the sled, the Rottweiler likes to protect, the Greyhound likes to chase and the German Short Hair Pointer likes to hunt birds.
Over thousands of years those animals with the same specific instincts have selectively been mated and reproduced. In training a dog, we will have to recognize that certain behaviors-trades- are very pronounced in certain breeds, and adjust the execution of training accordingly.
Zauberberg K9 school trains any breed at any age!
Pulling on the leash? Chasing the vacuum? Not coming when called? Jumping on the kitchen counter? Jumping on people? Stealing food in the kitchen? Digging in the yard? Barking excessively? Getting into the trash can? Being reactive to other animals? Scratching at the door?
Zauberberg K9 Academy can help!
We offer different Obedience Training Programs
Watch videos of our work on Youtube
Call or text 520-419-2199 email [email protected]