Eva vom Zauberberg

Eva vom Zauberberg German Shepherd female available Sire Zabo von den Wannaer Hoehen Dam Cheyenne vom Zauberberg On her page latest pictures and videos  

Video of Cleo x Elvis Puppies

Female German Shepherd puppy from Zauberberg

Brand new video of Cleo x Elvis puppies first time in the house, being introduced to the baby and their first food! They are still nursing at this age! Posted on the litter page   Or go to our YouTube Channel

German Shepherd sable female puppy for sale

SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Donut vom Zauberberg Sire: Zabo  von den Wannaer Hoehen Dam: Pumpkin vom Zauberberg Gender: Female Date of Birth: 03-23-2023 Vaccination: Up to date Microchipped: Yes Training started Pictures and Videos Call 520-419-2199 and arrange a meeting Visit Donut vom Zauberberg  Videos and pictures

Ute vom Zauberberg

“Andre,  This is Sophia, we bought Sophie from you in July 2018 you called her Ute. She is going to be 5 years old in July. She is absolutely a joy. I wanted to thank you and let you know I tell everyone if they want a pure German Shepherd that is of great breeding to contact your kennels. Attached is picture of Ute or Sophia” V/R Thank You, John