Nathan and Nessy vom Zauberberg, 2 year old German Shepherd female, training the retrieve over the hurdle. An exercise that is a composition of a number of single little behaviors that all should be trained separately before they are put together in a sequence.
For example:
- Sit stay during the throw
- Going over the hurdle on command
- Picking up the dumbbell
- Turning around to come back with the dumbbell
- Jumping back
- Sitting in front holding the dumbbell
- Releasing it
Nessy still has a challenge holding the dumbbell calmly while sitting in front, because she knows that she is very close to being rewarded.
The trainer only continues the process of reaching for the dumbbell, if she holds it still. If she is getting restless, the trainer does not continue with his hands reaching for it. Nessy learns that the behavior of holding it still, moves the process toward the reward forward. The Trainer makes her understand that she can manipulate him by holding still, so he finally takes the dumbbell and and Nessy can engage in the reward.