How to train my Puppy-FEEDBACK is key to success

How to train my Puppy-FEEDBACK is key to success


That applies to every living creature! Behaviors are improved -or not depressed by receiving immediate feedback.

The German Piñata is such a great example for the necessity of giving feedback!
It is called “Topfschlagen”!
At the kids birthday party they select one kid. They blind fold it, give him/her a wooden cooking spoon and twist him around, so he gets dizzy.
They place a cooking pan in the room, upside down, with candy underneath it. The goal is to have him find the pan by tapping the spoon around. As he is wondering around the room tapping the spoon, the other kids give feedback to lead him to the pan. Once he finds it, all kids are going to get the candy! Imagine the incentive that all the kids have to lead him to it!
They are watching every little movement and shout: warm- cold- hot! The more accurate the timing of the feedback- the faster they all will get candy!

The very same principals of immediate and accurate feedback applies  to our dog training!
The more immediate and accurate our feedback is given to our dogs, the faster and most accurate a behavior will be learned and performed.
It is important to know that positive and negative feedback , when correctly applied, will narrow the path to a behavior very clearly- just like HOT and Cold.
The world of communication with our dogs has typically been more of the negative kind.
It takes a little understanding of those principals and skill to apply and execute. – Just a matter of practice.

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Start by taking advantage by studying out YouTube Channel. It’s purpose is to show the process of dog training versus the final result!