Healthiest Dog Training Treats
Looking for a very affordable and healthy treat for your dog training sessions?
Took us a while, but we found it!
Knowing that training is most effective if the reward is of highest value, we had to search hard!
We have been through everything in this world:
Using the kibble he usually eats, buying all available training treats (expensive), using nasty none nutritional hot dogs etc.
Then I remembered having a dog for training that was on raw diet, feeding him raw chicken as a meal. He seemed really crazy about it! But I read up on raw diet for dogs and discovered that even the advocates of raw diet in all honesty, see a danger to it.
But ever since, the thought of “chicken” never left me alone.
Since our household is a bargain shopper come to groceries, I found chicken leg meat. Seems to be available predominantly at FOOD CITY Grocery Stores. When on sale (very frequently so) it cost $0.87 per pound! – please compare the price per pound of unhealthy hot dogs- $1.00 per pound when on sale! And some dogs are not even thrilled about the taste and texture.
I BBQ the chicken leg meat on the grill. Cut it up in tiny pieces with meat scissors, and store them in the fridge.
I have yet to see a dog not going nuts over it.
While conducting a private training session with a client, I tried to teach the owner how to lure the dog into heel position. She was using expensive yummy dry liver treats. After she could not comprehend the gymnastic skill to lure the dog through the motion, I demonstrated for her. I always have chicken leg meat treats on me. Using my treats while luring her dog, created ten times more desire in the dog to follow my hand! And here I wasn’t even known by the dog as the source of reward! Head line reads : “Chicken leg meat from the grill, beats expensive dry liver treats”
The second healthiest Dog Treats we discovered to be used in training are egg yolks. As many of us separate the yolks from the white and prefer to eat the white only. Simply fry up a pancake from the yolks and cut it with the scissors into treat size pieces! Healthy and highly desired by your dog.
They are swallowed very fast without much chewing, so you are instantly ready to ask for another repetition of the behavior you are teaching!