Send your dog to Zauberberg K9 and let him be trained by trainers that are more experienced than any others in the field of Schutzhund. Put your dog’s future in the hands of experienced world class German trainers.
Trainers at Zauberberg K9 have titled more then 100 dogs in the past 10 years. Zauberberg K9 Academy will Schutzhund title and breed test your dog either in Germany or in the US.
Zauberberg K9 has extended its training options for Schutzhund enthusiasts!
Besides the in kennel training and titling, you can decide to train your dog yourself with an unlimited 12 months contract for training at our facility. Tracking, obedience and protection as many times you would like to visit and train with us.
Additional services, grooming, dog bath, physical condition, doggy treat mill, swimming, nail trim, available during your dog’s stay at our facility!
Andreas Mueller