How much does it cost to train a Schutzhund dog?

Even after other styles of competitions for working have gotten very popular, Schutzhund is still the main kind of breed evaluation test for Rottweilers and German Shepherds as well as Dobermans, Hoverwarts, Giant Schnauzer, Bouvier de Flandre. In Germany at least a SchH 1 is requires on parents before breeding in order to qualify to have the puppies registered appropriately.

Single session (one day)

Tracking Obedience Protection: $100.00

  • Six months training contract to be paid in advance

Limit is two sessions per week (48 sessions): $1920.00 (= $40.00 per session)

  • Includes unlimited online training access for six months
  • Twelve months training contract to be paid in advance

Limit is two sessions per week (96 session): $3360.00 (=$35.00 per session)

  • Includes unlimited online training access for six months
  • Stay in Guest house facility

$45.00 per night per room